Tuesday, May 5, 2009

“It’s cold”..."f***ing cold"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Large Hadron Collider
Daily Show
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Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

You gotta love the media. They seem to be ambulance chasing. If it is not one thing it is another. I believe that the news media that is being delivered to our homes is no better than advertisements for specific viewpoints. The news has become unwatchable. I do not need a police blotter delivered to my home every hour on the hour. Are there no good things happening. Sure, but you got to wait until the last 15 sec of an hour long newscast. Hardly balanced. A good example of this crazy fucked up issue is the latest SWINE FLU. It didn't even come from a pig. How many people got sick? How many people died? Now tell me this, how many people will get into automobile accidents and get injured? How many will die? Is this not a pandemic? Would those persons not been injured or killed if there were no automobiles? I know, apples to oranges, but the facts are in the data. There is no disputing the data. The H1N1 or whatever you call it is not a matter of emergency. Is it

Sorry to say that I have officially stopped watching the news/media that is given to me daily because of the incompetent reporting that is going on and the overhype on the wrong topics/issues. Bring on news from TDS - calling a spade a spade....

Even Jesus is dissapointed....